There are many benefits to having good credit, and, if you have bad credit, to repairing it. Now, we all know that a poor use of credit, paying high interest to big credit companies, is a money waster for everyone. However, there are a lot of perks for people who use credit to their advantage. […]
Why Credit Repair Takes Time
Honestly we wish we had a magic wand that could fix all negative credit reporting in one go, but unfortunately, credit repair doesn’t work that way. As with any kind of rehabilitation, credit repair takes time. Remember that your credit report is a history, it lets lenders know how you’ve managed credit over long periods […]
7 Tips To Maintaining Good Credit
1. Pay Your Bills On TimeBeing late on payments is the number one contributor to poor credit. Just pay on time, even if you’re paying the minimum balance, if it’s on time, it doesn’t hurt you. Collections have a major impact on your score, so avoid those altogether by paying your bills on time. 2. […]
3 Actions You Can Take Right Now to Improve Your Credit Score
While credit repair does take time, there are a few actions you can take right now to improve your score. 1. Check Your Credit ReportCredit repair begins with your credit report. If you choose to have a free credit consultation with us, that’s where we’ll begin. If you haven’t already, request a copy of your […]